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During ISANH Antioxidants World Congress 2014, the scientific committee will allocate time to discuss about Oxidative Stress & Skin 2014: Mechanistic & Strategies.

If you would like to submit your recent innovative researches about Oxidative Stress & Skin for short oral presentations, you have until April 7 to submit your abstract.

The special session about Skin & Oxidative Stress will be opened by Dr Laurence Denat, from L’Oréal Research & Innovations, Aulnay-sous-Bois, France with a general presentation about  Oxidative Stress, Normal Melanocytes & Melanoma.

DenatAccording Dr Denat, "Epidermal melanocytes are particularly exposed to oxidative stress. On the one hand, even if the reports are conflicting, melanin may have pro-oxidant properties in some conditions. On the other hand, sun exposure is a major inducer of reactive oxygen species. Oxidative stress can disrupt melanocyte homeostasis, leading to cell death or malignant transformation. There is increasing evidence for the significance of oxidative stress in melanoma initiation and progression. Moreover intrinsic antioxidant defenses are compromised in melanoma. A better understanding of redox-related mechanisms in normal melanocytes and melanoma will help to harness these pathways for melanoma treatment."

For more information: www.isanh.fr


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