The regulation of catalase expression in cancer cells: A hot topic of ISANH Antioxidants World Congress 2015

Antioxidants World Congress 2015- Pr. CalderonPr. Pedro Buc Calderon from University of Louvain, Belgium, will talk about Regulation of catalase expression in cancer cells during ISANH Antioxidants World Congress 2015 which will be held at Institut Pasteur in Paris, on June 22-24 2015, and will highlight two hot topics:

  • A pro-oxidatnt strategy to kill cancer cells
  • ROS levels in cancer cells: a double-edged sword


According Pr. Calderon "Despite the progress achieved in medicine in the last century, cancer is still a major life-threatening pathology and it remains one of the biggest challenges for humanity. Interestingly, cancer cells were shown to exhibit increased production of reactive oxygen species and rather low levels of antioxidant enzymes. These characteristics represent an advantage in terms of proliferation, but at the same time, they render cancer cells particularly sensitive to an oxidant insult. In line with the increasing interest in the development of pro-oxidant therapies, modifying the intracellular redox status of cancer cells by targeting the antioxidant enzymes could be an interesting approach. In this talk, we will briefly discuss our current understanding of the molecular factors controlling catalase expression, with a special focus on those which are relevant in the context of cancer. The potential role of JunB and RAR as main regulators of catalase expression in cancer cells is thoroughly discussed. Indeed, elucidating the mechanisms underlying the expression of catalase could help to identify new interesting targets for cancer therapy."

To know about ISANH Antioxidants World Congress 2015 and preliminary agenda, please visit