Paris Redox 2022 Videos on Demand

In case you couldn't attend Paris Redox 2022, you can now watch all Paris Redox 2022 Recordings for 3 weeks, whenever and wherever you are.

Order the Recordings.

24th Edition Abstracts Book


Paris Redox 2022 Abstracts Book includes all this year's abstracts: 27 Major Talks, 31 Short Oral Presentations, and 31 Poster Presentations. Purchase abstract book.

Access to Abstracts Book & Recordings

You can benefit from Paris Redox 2022 Recording + Abstract Book together not to miss any detail from the 3 days - Paris Redox 2022 experience.

Order all the materials.

Workshop Access - How to Evaluate Oxidative Stress & Antioxidants Activities?

Benefit from a 3 weeks access to the workshop. The recording includes:

Access Workshop Recording. 

Other purchases

Order the worskhop's report book. 

Order the access to the workshop recording, and the report book

Order the full access to Paris Redox 2022 + Workshop (access to both conference and workshop recordings, as well as the conference's abstract book and the workshop's report book).


Paris Redox 2022 Congress

24th Annual ISANH Meeting
Paris Redox 2022 Congress

June 22-24, 2022 - Paris, France








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