Legal Mentions & Privacy Policy

Website Editor & Owner

Redox Medicine Society
Kanaya Bldg 4F, 4-11-3,
Hatchobori Chuo-ku 104-0032
Tokyo – Japan

President of RMS

Carole Nicco



Credits and copyright

All rights of authors of protected works reproduced and communicated on this site are reserved. Unless authorized, any use of the Works other than individual and private reproduction and consultation is prohibited.

Data collection

Redox Medicine Society reserves the right to collect personal information and personal data concerning you. They are necessary for the management of missions as well as the improvement of the Services and the information that we send you. They may also be transmitted to the contributing companies responsible for the execution of the Services and for payment as well as to all the subsidiaries of the company. This information and data is also kept for security purposes, in order to comply with legal and regulatory obligations under our privacy policy.

Privacy Policy


In accordance with the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, also called the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which sets out the legal framework for processing personal data, we process personal data for the purposes of our business. To properly understand this policy:

  • The “controller” is Redox Medicine Society;
  • The “processor” is any physical person or legal entity who processes personal data on behalf of Redox Medicine Society;
  • “Data subjects” are customers and/or prospects of the services provided by Redox Medicine Society on its own behalf or for third parties;
  • “Services” are any event organized by Redox Medicine Society, or which Redox Medicine Society contributes to; any service or product;
  • An “event” is any face-to-face or virtual conference, convention, training workshop, seminar, webinar, etc.;
  • “Recipients” are physical persons or legal entities who receive personal data from Redox Medicine Society. The data recipients can be Redox Medicine Society employees or external organizations (third-party event organizers, partners, exhibitors, banking institutions, authorities, etc.).

Article 12 of the GDPR requires that data subjects be informed of their rights in a concise, transparent, intelligible and easily accessible form.

Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this policy is to meet Redox Medicine Society’s information obligation and formalize the rights and obligations of its customers and prospects regarding personal data processing for all of the services provided by Redox Medicine Society.

Redox Medicine Society is always committed to respecting privacy rights and protecting personal information. As such, we will ensure that all our activities involving the collecting, processing, use and sharing of personal data will adhere to the statements contained in this Privacy Policy. We are committed to abiding by all data protection laws in the countries in which we operate and we will be open and transparent in how we use, store, process and share your personal information.

Purpose of processing

Redox Medicine Society only processes the personal data of our customers and prospects collected by or for our services, or processed in connection with our services, in compliance with the general principles of the GDPR. Redox Medicine Society mainly processes your data to organize events and provide products and services. Data may be processed for the following purposes:

  • To promote our events and associated events;
  • Community management (users, members, customers);
  • To manage event registration and participation;
  • To manage applications for event participation funds;
  • To manage contributions to the events agenda;
  • To manage attendance and other certificates, invitation letters;
  • To manage purchases or subscription to other products and services online;
  • Statistics;
  • To manage requests to disenroll and unsubscribe;
  • To manage and meet user requests on our websites;
  • To personalize our communication via our customer marketing program in order to carry out marketing and promotional campaigns and gain a better understanding of your needs and wants;
  • To let you know about offers and products which we deem to be of legitimate interest to you or you have expressed an interest via either transactions or consumption of content;
  • To qualify our prospects and customer database, and segment customers based on web behaviour on our websites;
  • To manage requests to unsubscribe from newsletters, promotions and satisfaction surveys;
  • To manage the right to modify/rectify/erase data or process requests to unsubscribe.

This list is meant to be as exhaustive as possible. Customers and prospects will be informed of any new purpose, alteration or removal of existing processing by an amendment to this policy.

Data collected: Type, Use and Consent

Data Source

1- When you register to the meeting

2- When you submit an abstract

3- When you accept to receive our NewsLetter

Non-technical data (depending on use)

  • Identity (surname, first name, username, etc.)
  • Contact information (email and/or postal address)
  • Photo
  • Career information (profession, position, specialty, etc.)
  • Banking information, if necessary (e.g. for refunds)
  • Video images (filmed conferences, CCTV footage)

Technical data (depending on use)

  • Identification data (IP)
  • Connection data (including logs)
  • Click data
  • Location data
  • Tracking data (cookies on our websites, access to conference rooms)

The information that is provided by you and will be used only for the purposes stated, and will not be transmitted to others to third parties.

We may also collect some personal information about you indirectly, from other sources such as research companies, company websites and social media. As part of this process, we ask any third-party vendors to confirm that the information was legally acquired and that we have the right to obtain it and use it. This includes obtaining consent where legal regulations require explicit consent to be acquired prior to contact. As part of the process, we only aim to identify individuals who we believe will be interested in our products / services, contacting you on the basis of legitimate interest.

The information we collect on you may be used by us for marketing purposes. You may at any time choose not to receive marketing emails by selecting the unsubscribe option available on each email.

Redox Medicine Society is not responsible for losses of any kind resulting from illegal access to personal data. Furthermore, personal data may be communicated to any authority legally entitled to receive it. In this case, Redox Medicine Society Group is not responsible for the conditions under which the employees of these authorities access and use the data.

Cookies & Other Technologies

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to collect information about the use of our Services. Google Analytics collects information such as how often you visit the Services, which pages you visited when they do so, and which other sites they used prior to coming to our Services. We do not merge the information collected through the use of Google Analytics with personally identifiable data. Google’s ability to use and share information collected by Google Analytics about your visits to and use of the Services is restricted by the Google Analytics Terms of Service and the Google Privacy Policy. You can learn more about howGoogle collects and processes data specifically in connection with Google Analytics here. Further information about your option to opt-out of these analytics services is available here.

We do not have any agreements with any companies/organizations to analyse your visits and behaviour.


We also use technologies that help us determine whether you have opened an e-mail or clicked on a link contained in an e-mail. Collection of this information allows us to collect data on the effectiveness of our web sites and product offering and helps to personalize your experience and our interactions with you. If you wish for us not to use the data in this way then please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Optional or mandatory information

All forms used to collect personal data use asterisks to inform customers and prospects whether information is mandatory or optional. If answers are mandatory, Redox Medicine Society explains the consequences of not providing an answer to customers and prospects.


Redox Medicine Society is responsible for defining and implementing physical or logical security technical measures that it deems appropriate to prevent the unauthorized accidental or illegal destruction, loss, alteration or disclosure of data. These measures mainly include:

  • Data access control;
  • Use of an encryption protocol such as SSL for transferring data between user devices and the company’s servers;
  • Data hosting in data centers with maximum security;
  • Access to infrastructure via VPN – only certain preselected people are authorized to create a tunnel;
  • Regular and systematic application of security patches on infrastructure components.


This policy may be changed or amended at any time in the event of changes to legislation, case law, decisions and recommendation or uses. Customers and prospects will be informed of any new versions of this policy by any means chosen by Redox Medicine Society, including electronically (e.g. via email or online).

Applicable law

These Terms of Use are governed by French Law.  Any disputes relating to the interpretation and performance of these terms will be brought before the competent French courts.

Information technology and civil liberties

In accordance with French Act no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 on Information Technology, Data Files and Civil Liberties, you have the right to access and rectify your personal data. You may receive information about our business. If you do not wish to receive information, please contact us and include the name of your business, your name and address. You can also do this to stop receiving sales offers.

Right of transparency and being informed

Customers have a right to be informed about the collection and use of your personal data. Customers and prospects also have a right of access, provided the following rules are followed:

Customers and prospects have the right to ask Redox Medicine Society for a copy of their processed personal data. However, if an additional copy is requested, Redox Medicine Society may require that customers and prospects bear the financial cost. If customers and prospects request a copy of their data via email, the information requested will be provided in standard electronic format, unless requested otherwise. Customers and prospects are also informed that their right of access does not apply to confidential information or data, or data which the law prohibits from being communicated. The right of access must not be exercised abusively, meaning on a regular basis for the sole purpose of disturbing the department in question.

Right of Rectification

Redox Medicine Society meets update requests:

  • Automatically for online changes for fields which can be technically or legally updated;
  • On written request of the data subject, with proof of identity.

Right to erasure (Right to be forgotten)

You have, subject to certain conditions being met, the right to be forgotten. The right to erasure of customers and prospects does not apply if data is processed to comply with legal obligations. Where we can, we will remove all your details from our systems subject to being able to do so reasonably, and where no other legal or legitimate reason exists to keep your personal data.

Below are some restrictive cases:

  • If personal data is no longer required for the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed;
  • If the data subject withdraws consent to the original purpose for processing and there is no other justified reason for processing;
  • If the data subject is opposed to Redox Medicine Society processing their data for legitimate purposes and there is no legitimate urgent reason for processing;
  • If the data subject is opposed to their personal data being processed for prospecting and profiling purposes;
  • If personal data was illegally processed.

For security reasons, the relevant department must therefore verify your identity to prevent your confidential information from being communicated to someone other than yourself.

Right to restrict processing of your personal data

Customers and prospects are advised that this right is meant to be exercised if data is legally processed by Redox Medicine Society and if all the personal data collected is required for the performance of the sales agreement.

Right to data portability

Redox Medicine Society allows for data portability in the particular case of data communicated by the customers or prospects themselves, for online services provided by Redox Medicine Society itself and for purposes needing the sole consent of data subjects. In this case, data will be communicated in in a form that can easily be used by other systems.

Right of use

Customers and prospects grant Redox Medicine Society the right to use and process their personal data for the purposes stated above. However, Redox Medicine Society maintains ownership of enriched data produced from Redox Medicine Society processing and analysis (usage analysis, statistics, etc.). 

Information about Redox Medicine Society’s General Sales Conditions

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