Speakers 2023

Redox 2023 Speakers Guido Kroemer 4Keynote Speaker
Hallmarks of Aging & Redox Medicine: An Expanding Universe
Guido Kroemer, Université de Paris Cité, Hôpital Européen George Pompidou, France
Dr.  Chandan K. SenConcluding Remarks
Redox Medicine 2023: What’s Next?
Chandan K. Sen, Editor in Chief of ARS, Indiana University, USA 
Dr. Ginette Deby-DupontWorkshop 2023
From Antioxidants to Redox Medicine: How to Evaluate Oxidative Stress and Protect Redox Homeostasis?
Ginette Deby-Dupont, Liège University, Belgium
Martin Feelisch, University of Southampton, United Kingdom
Marcus ConradFerroptosis: A Decade Before and After the Coining
Marcus Conrad, Helmholtz Zentrum München, Germany
Raphael Rodriguez, Institut Curie, France
Carole NiccoArsenic-Copper: A Double-Edged Sword for a Unique Double Benefit against Immunological Disorders
Carole Nicco
, President of Redox Medicine Society, Institut Cochin - INSERM U1016, Université de Paris, France
Redox 2023 Speakers Dr. Charareh PourzandThe Determination of Intracellular Labile Ironome for Diagnosis and Prognosis of Iron-Related Disorders: the Example of Friedreich’s Ataxia
Charareh Pourzand, University of Bath, United Kingdom
Autreaux 1Friedreich's ataxia: the pathological iron-redox axis revisited
Benoit D'Autréaux, Paris-Saclay University, France
Redox Medicine 2023 Speakers Amelia DolgaRedox Medicine, Mitochondria & Aging: The Underestimated Link
Amalia M. Dolga, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Redox Medicine 2023 Speakers Nikolas GunkelAntioxidant Capacity Biomarkers, a Path Forward to Develop ROS-Inducing Drugs for Cancer Therapy
Nikolas Gunkel, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Germany
Francesco Bellanti, University of Foggia, Italy
Redox Medicine 2023 Speakers Ang Wee HanAntibacterial Strategies Based on Reactive Oxygen Species
Wee Han Ang, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Laurent Chatre Redox Medicine 2023Chronobiology: The Reactive Species Interactome-Mitochondria Axis, the Hands of the Circadian Clock ?
Laurent Chatre, Normandie University, UNICAEN Cyceron, Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), France

Chang Chen

Precision Redox: The Key for Antioxidant Pharmacology
Chang Chen, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Jerome Santolini
Jérôme Santolini, Laboratoire Stress Oxydant et Détoxication, France
Mauricio S. Baptista, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
Robert A Heaton, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
Dong-Yun Shi, Fudan University, China
Awakening Adult Retinal Stem Cells : A New Function of NOX Signaling in the Xenopus Retina" Awakening Adult Retinal Stem Cells: A New Function of NOX Signaling in the Xenopus Retina
Morgane Locker,
Université Paris-Saclay, France

Melanie Merkel

Mitochondrial Involvement in Different Model Systems of Ferroptosis
Melanie Merkel, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Germany

Redox Speakers 2023 June 6


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