Redox Medicine 2023 Highlights

Redox Medicine 2023 Photo Gallery.


RMS President's Note

Carole pupitre updatedThe 25th International Conference on Redox Medicine 2023, held on June 21-23 in Paris & Online, was a great success. Redox Medicine 2023 gathered around 150 attendees from 30+ countries. More than 60 communication were presented in the form of major talks, short orals and posters. Interesting discussions were held before each break with a lot of interaction.

The presentations were brilliant, both scientifically and in terms of the discussions we had. An atmosphere of sharing and goodwill, of high standards and questioning, carried us through these two and a half days.

A number of rich discussions and collaborations are already emerging as a result of this conference. I'm delighted.

The conference commenced with an insightful keynote speech by Prof. Guido Kroemer and ended with a the concluding Remarks of Prof. Chendan K. Sen, editor in Chief of Antioxidants & Redox Signaling (ARS) Journal. Also, Redox Medicine 2023 supporter, Agilent Technologies also showcased and explained about their mitochondrial assays during Redox Medicine 2023.

The momentum that has been created leads me to set up a new scientific committee to create an even more original and engaging event in 2024.

I'm already looking forward to seeing you again or meeting you next year to offer you a new format for the Worshop and sessions that will be as enriching as they are unique and interactive.

Dr. Carole Nicco,
President of Redox Medicine Society 

Redox Medicine 2023 Awards

3 Redox Medicine 2023 awards were discerned: 

 Replay & Abstracts of Redox Medicine 2023

Redox Medicine 2023 Replay and abstract book are available in case your missed the conference. Learn more about the available recordings and abstract books.


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