Paris Redox 2022 Best Poster Award

Melanie Merkel Poster winner Redox 2022Melanie Merkel, University of Marburg, Germany, was awarded the Best Poster Presentation of Paris Redox 2022 last June, for her presentation on Novel Selenocompounds for Pharmacological Intervention of Ferroptosis in Neuronal HT22 Cells. 

"The selenoperoxidase GPx4 is an established key regulator of ferroptosis due to its unique function to reduce lipid peroxides thereby preventing the iron-dependent chain reaction of lipid ROS formation. The organoselenium compound Ebselen acts as an antioxidant, exhibiting protective effects against ferroptosis by mimicking the active site of GPx4, however with limited efficacy. Therefore, we developed novel and more potent Ebselen analogs which exerted protective effects on metabolic activity, lipid peroxidation, cytosolic and mitochondrial iron accumulation, and oxidative cell death in model systems of ferroptosis and hemin-mediated cytotoxicity. Ongoing studies further elucidate the underlying mechanisms of protection against ferroptosis and the therapeutic potential of these promising new selenocompounds."

24th Annual ISANH Meeting
Paris Redox 2022 Congress

June 22-24, 2022 - Paris, France

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