The Report Book of the Workshop "Oxidative Stress: From Antioxidants to Redox Medicine" is Now Available

RMS 2023 Report Boook2

You can now order the Redox Medicine Society (RMS) Workshop 2023 report book. This year's RMS workshop has been updated to cover: "Oxidative Stress: From Antioxidants to Redox Medicine", you can learn more about the sessions and objectives.

Details on the available materials are listed below:

Report Book 

You can request access to the report book of this year's updated workshop:

Abstracts Book

The abstracts book includes the abstracts of the 57+ communication that will be presented during Redox Medicine 2023 Conference:

Abstracts Book + Report Book

You can benefit from both the workshop report and the communications presented during the conference:

Redox Medicine 2023 Congress
June 21-23, 2023 - Paris, France
Website | LinkedIn | Facebook

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