Redox Medicine 2023 Best Short Oral Presentation on Mitochondria-Related Oxidative Stress in Diverticular Disease

Martina Pupitre 560x800Martina updated

Redox Meidicine 2023 Best Short Oral Presentation Award

Martina Cappellettiresearch fellow (BD) at the department of "Translation and Precision Medicine" of Sapienza University, Italy

"Mitochondria-Related Oxidative Stress: An Unexplored Field in Diverticular Disease"

Dr. Capilletti shared with the Redox Medicine team:

"Our research group is currently investigating and studying the physiopathology of colonic Diverticular Disease (DD), in that its missing knowledge characterization thwarts beneficial therapy, incrementing incidence and, consequently, clinical management cost. Even though it's a multifactorial pathology it's mainly characterized by transmural oxidative imbalance and consequently since the central role of the mitochondria for the metabolism and radicals production my topic study is the elucidation of the mitochondrial pathogenetic functions in the different DD phenotypes. Ulteriorly, considering the scarce efficacy of the actual therapy mainly based on the administration of antibiotics and probiotics, we are also evaluating the potential role of antioxidants as therapeutic agents".

 In case you missed this award winning short oral communication, Redox Medicine 2023 recording are available on demand. Learn more.

Redox Medicine 2023 Congress
June 21-23, 2023 - Paris, France
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