Ferroptosis: A Decade before and after the Coining

Marcus ConradDr. Marcus Conrad from Helmholtz Zentrum München, Germany, will join the Redox Medicine 2023 congress and present his research on "Ferroptosis: A Decade before and after the Coining".

Ferroptosis is a non-apoptotic form of cell death marked by unrestrained lipid peroxidation. Ferroptosis has emerged as the underlying cause of a number of degenerative diseases including neurodegeneration and tissue ischemia/reperfusion injury and may present a vulnerability to eradicate difficult-to-treat cancers. While the term ferroptosis was introduced only in 2012, Dr. Conard and others have pioneered this field by identifying key players and cellular processes involved in this unique cell death modality years before the term was coined. Recent work of Dr. Conard's laboratory is focusing on the role of ferroptosis in pathological contexts and its pharmacological tractability for the treatment of yet-incurable diseases.

Join Redox Medicine 2023 to learn more about Dr. Conrad's interesting talk.
You can submit a related abstract here.

Redox Medicine 2023 Congress
June 21-23, 2023 - Paris, France
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