Awakening Adult Retinal Stem Cells: A New Function of NOX Signaling in the Xenopus Retina

Morgane LockerDr. Morgane Locker from Université Paris-Saclay, France will join the Redox Medicine 2023 on June 21-23 to present a talk entitled "Awakening Adult Retinal Stem Cells: A New Function of NOX Signaling in the Xenopus Retina".

Using the amphibian retina as a model system, Dr. Locker's team aimed at deciphering how the redox state might impact neural stem cell activity. Their functional in vivo investigations show that NADPH oxidase (NOX)-dependent ROS production controls retinal stem cell transition from quiescence to proliferation. Dr. Locker's team further reveal that such effect is mediated through regulation of the Wnt/Hedgehog signalling balance. Altogether, Dr. Locker's team's study highlights NOX as a novel player of the regulatory network that fine-tunes neural stem cell proliferation within the post-embryonic neurogenic niche of the retina.

Join Redox Medicine 2023 to learn more about Dr. Locker's interesting talk. You can submit a related abstract here.

Redox Medicine 2023 Congress
June 21-23, 2023 - Paris, France
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