RMS Archives - Redox Medicine

RMS Post-Conference Materials

All abstracts books can be purchased here. After your order, please email us which abstract book's year you wish to receive.

Redox 2023 Cover Version 2

Redox Medicine 2023




All recorded presentations are available. Request access.


An Abstract Book of the congress, containing all summaries of contributions presented during both days of the conference is also available. 

More information.

 Redox 2022 abstract book


Paris Redox 2022




All recorded presentations are available. You can request the access by contacting us.


An Abstract Book of the congress, containing all summaries of contributions presented during both days of the conference is also available. 

More information.


Abstract Book Cover 2021

Paris Redox 2021

This edition was held as an Interactive Online Meeting. You can access its agenda here

All recorded presentations, with a list of attendees, and questions sent to speakers are available. You can request the access by contacting us.

An Abstract Book of the congress, containing all summaries of contributions presented during both days of the conference is also available. 


Paris Redox 2020 abstract book

Paris Redox 2020

This edition was held as an Interactive Online Meeting. You can access its agenda here

All recorded presentations, with a list of attendees, and questions sent to speakers are available. You can request the access by contacting us.

An Abstract Book of the congress, containing all summaries of contributions presented during both days of the conference is also available. 



Paris Redox 2019

To access the agenda of the conference, please follow this link.

The abstracts book contains the abstracts of all major, short oral and posters presentations.

If you didn't take part in the conference, you can order this Abstracts Book in PDF Format by contacting us.



Paris Redox 2018

To access the agenda of the conference, please follow this link.

The abstracts book contains the abstracts of all major, short oral and posters presentations.

If you didn't take part in the conference, you can order this Abstracts Book in PDF Format by contacting us.



Paris Redox 2017

If you didn't take part in the conference, you can order this Abstracts Book in PDF Format by contacting us.



Previous Abstracts Book

PDF of Paris Redox 2013 -2016  Abstracts Book, order here.

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