Redox Medicine 2024 Agenda

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 Day 1 - June 27, 2024 

Keynote Speech: Redox Medicine 2024: Where we are now and where we are heading?  

Session 1: Redox Balance in Health & Disease

  • Mechanistic Insights
  • Role of Biomarkers
  • Interplay of Biophysics, Biology, and Health 

Session 2: Evaluation of Redox Status and Related Biomarkers

  • Methods, Tools, Artificial Intelligence, Biosensors and Devices
  • Hands-on Demonstrations with Industry Partners

Round-table Discussion with the RMS Scientific Board

Facilitating discussions on current challenges and opportunities in Redox Medicine.



Day 2 - June 28, 2024

Session 3: The Future of Redox Medicine 2024: Innovative Directions and Emerging Trends

  • Biomarkers: Prevention and Diagnosis in Redox Medicine
  • Small Synthetic, Natural Antioxidants & Redox Molecules
  • Artificial Intelligence, Algorithms & Redox Medicine
  • Iron, Redox & Ferroptosis: Innovations & Challenges
  • Skin Redoxome
  • Other relative topics

Session 4: Redox Medicine from Bench to Bedside, Companion Diagnostics
A collaborative session featuring insights from BioPharma, CRO, CDMO, and regulatory bodies.

Concluding Remarks

Redox Medicine 2024 Awards

Celebrating excellence with awards for:

  • Best Scientific Contribution
  • Best Short Oral Presentation
  • Best Poster Presentation


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